So you said yes – now what?

So you said yes – now what? The art of appraisal

Carleen DekarskiManaging archives

Now you have an Archive Policy which outlines the purpose and collecting policies of the archive, you can appraise any potential material to this framework and decide which will be taken into the archive through the acquisition process. As mentioned previously in “The art of saying no – Acquisition”, in …

The art of saying no

The art of saying no – Acquisition

Carleen DekarskiManaging archives

Acquistion is the process of accepting archive material into your possession (and therefore stewardship of that material). Remembering that when you accept a donation, transfer, purchase or loan to the archive you are now the steward of its ongoing care and all costs attributed to it. This stewardship endures far …

The Art of Archiving

The Art of Archiving

Carleen DekarskiManaging archives

During my time working with archives I have observed that there are many community groups, businesses and individuals that are increasingly understanding the value of the records they hold. However, the value attributed to these records may be relevant to the groups creating them but may not meet the collecting …

The question all Archivists get is

The question all Archivists get is…

Carleen DekarskiManaging archives

So are you like a Librarian? If you are an archivist already then this question will not surprise you. Often, to avoid a drawn out conversation, my family will simply say yes, much to my dismay. I would imagine also, to the dismay of librarians. Each have important, yet vastly …