Arcavee Downloads


There are 6 files, weighing 69.6 KiB with 3,742 hits in total.

Displaying 1 to 6 of 6 files.

  Appraising Archives
» unknown - 646 hits - April 24, 2016
This quick go to sheet outlines some key questions and items to think about when reviewing the records and making decisions about what should and should not be kept.

  Collection Audit Template
» 15.7 KiB - 635 hits - April 24, 2016
The template is a simple tool to enable the capture of potential archival records in one spreadsheet. It enables the user to quickly see what is held and assist in making decisions around its usefulness.

  Fonds level description sheet
» 12.2 KiB - 657 hits - May 29, 2016
This tool is for describing the highest level (fonds) description for the collection. It includes a Administrative or Biographical history and is based on the International Standard for Archival Description (General) produced by the ICA.

  Inventory sheet
» 16.0 KiB - 518 hits - May 29, 2016
When describing archives to the lowest level (item) I find an inventory sheet is very valuable to record many of the required details found on the describing sheet and includes box numbers and shelf locations. This is my "go to" list for any accession listings located in the archive.

  Item level description sheet
» 13.4 KiB - 665 hits - May 29, 2016
This tool is for describing the lowest level (item) for the collection. It is based on the International Standard for Archival Description (General) produced by the ICA.

  Series level description sheet
» 12.4 KiB - 621 hits - May 29, 2016
This tool is for describing the series level description for the collection. It includes a Administrative or Biographical history if one has not already been done for a fonds level and is based on the International Standard for Archival Description (General) produced by the ICA.

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